Friday, 5 December 2014

10 Home Remedies With Oxygenated Water (Hydrogen Peroxide)

Antibacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) material makes it very handy to have in the medicine cabinet. But the truth is that the hydrogen peroxide has many uses.

Antibacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) material makes it very handy to have in the medicine cabinet. But the truth is that the hydrogen peroxide has many uses.
The formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, which has more oxygen atoms normal water. Usually comes in a dark bottle as quickly degrade when exposed to sunlight. Even products that are sold in most pharmacies was 3% hydrogen peroxide and 97% water as the purest form can be dangerous if not used properly.

1.  Hydrogen peroxide for acne
Although we hear a lot of hydrogen peroxide as a treatment for acne is actually a very effective drug.
To apply the first face with a gentle cleanser washed properly. After the peroxide is applied to the acne. It is not advisable to apply it all over your face because it can cause irritation and drying.

2.  Hydrogen peroxide to heal wounds
Nearly all the hydrogen peroxide kit is because it is a popular drug to disinfect wounds. After I perform a cesarean section, which helped me to heal the wounds that included hydrogen peroxide. What I do is wet a cotton ball with peroxide and squeeze it over the wound.

3.  Hydrogen peroxide against athlete’s foot and nail fungus However, lately there has been some controversy regarding the use of this as a doctor at the MayoClinic and Dr. Oz famously said that hydrogen peroxide is not effective for healing as intended and in fact it can damage skin cells healthy and delay the healing process.
To make this medicine gets affected foot in hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes. If the skin is damaged, it burns a little. Should be repeated twice a day until the fungus completely dead.

4. Oxygenated water to relieve sore throat and prevent colds
Gargling oxygenated water is a home remedy to relieve sore throat. A quarter cup of warm water and a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide mixed and used as a mouthwash. Spit. Mouthwash also prevents colds and flu for killing bacteria in the throat that can cause this disease.

5. Hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair
A way that is very popular and economical to lighten your hair get oxygenated water. This trick is not recommended for very dark hair because when used in black hair, leaves yellowish / orange. It is therefore recommended only in coffee or light brown hair. To implement this trick, half a cup of water and half a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and sprayed with a broad cast of hair clarified.

6. Hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair
A way that is very popular and economical to lighten your hair get oxygenated water. This trick is not recommended for very dark hair because when used in black hair, leaves yellowish / orange. It is therefore recommended only in coffee or light brown hair. To implement this trick, half a cup of water and half a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and sprayed with a broad cast of hair clarified….

7. Hydrogen peroxide to remove the cloth
Many women claim that hydrogen peroxide has helped reduce the appearance of the fabric. It is applied with a cotton ball on the affected area and leave for several hours. Rinsed and put moisturizer on the area. To keep the results should be used preventative measures such as wearing sunscreen.

8. Hydrogen peroxide for oral health
Hydrogen peroxide is a common homemade mouthwash. Antiseptic properties help kill the bacteria that cause bad breath and also believe that whiten teeth. Some people use it as a pure rinse but others think that is very strong and diluted in water. It should spit after rinsing.
Note that many experts do not suggest that hydrogen peroxide is used as a gargle for a long time. Conversely recommend only using temporarily while the injury heals mouth.

9. Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning ears
Some doctor’s office using a mixture of warm water and hydrogen peroxide to wash the earwax.

10 Hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the house
Antibacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide make a great natural disinfectant for use in both the kitchen and bathroom. It throws in a spray bottle and sprayed on the surface, allowed to act for a few minutes and clean with a towel. It can also be used to clean glass and mirrors.

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