Friday, 5 December 2014

List of medicinal herbs to treat and prevent cancer

Herbal cancer remedy is the answer to treat and cure cancer. Cancer is no respecter of persons. It affects from the youngest to the oldest of persons globally and has claimed millions of lives. Millions  of dollars are spent each year to treat and research cancer. There is no known cure for this dreaded disease, but herbal cancer treatment is the best answer to tackle this harmful and most times fatal disease.

Chemical drugs and radiation treatment, most times, incur very bad side effects that cause more emotional stress and sufferings for the sufferers. These procedures can be very expensive also, unlike herbal treatment which is less expensive. This disease attack every part of the body especially the breast, prostate, liver, lungs, cervix and the womb.
There are medicinal herbs that are quite effective and will help to aid and prevent the onslaught of this malady. There are individuals who have testified that herbs have helped them to overcome this sickness, especially from the benefits of burdock, hence natural cancer remedy.

Preventing cancer is necessary with herbal cancer remedy

I think that one of the reasons herbal remedies are not effective in some cancer treatment is that an individual will wait until he or she is diagnosed with this disease before utilizing these medicinal plants.  In most cases, this approach is just too late and so the individual suffers immensely.  Prevention is better than cure they say, so medicinal herbs should be taken for prevention.  However, in the case of a sufferer, it is still an excellent idea to utilize these natural remedies.

List of medicinal herbs to treat and prevent cancer 

Green tea for cance
Herbal remedies for cancer treatment involve the following herbs.  They can be termed anticancer medicinal herbs.
Garlic has the ability to block tumor nourishment and help starve them or stunt their growth. It is also a strong antibiotic that will stimulate the white blood cells effectiveness as well as the T cells.
Green tea has polyphenol content that can effectively fight cancer cells from developing. It can also prevent prostate cancer among men.

Other medicinal herbs that are effective as herbal cancer remedy are: gotu kolaFo-Ti Tiengmandrakered clover blossoms which you can drink instead of water, violet leavesagrimonyground ivyburdock rootyellow dock root, blue violet, goldenseal rootechinaceaaloes, blue flag, gravel rootbloodrootdandelion rootchickweedsassafrassarsaparilla, and rock rose.
The guinea hen weed is now being researched and seen as one of the herbs that will treat cancer effectively. The guinea hen weed may be combined with soursop leaves and placed in boiling water to make herbal tea as a remedy for this disease.  Soursop leaves and mango leaves boiled together is also very effective according to some people I have spoken to.  The soursop juice is also very effective in preventing and fighting cancer.
Turmeric is another herb that is a good remedy for cancer.  It is of the belief that it can aid in preventing cancers such as breast, prostate, skin, colon, stomach, liver, lung, blood as well as mouth cancer.  Just add a dash of turmeric on vegetables or to whatever you will be cooking.
Some people even reported that the soursop juice which is a significant part of herbal cancer remedy, may even be more effective than chemotherapy which is associated with so many side effects.
Most people love berries and I love them also.  So the good news is that berries are good to prevent and treat cancer.  Cranberry juice, strawberries and blueberries are all excellent choices and they are a  part of herbal cancer remedy.

Other natural remedies to prevent cancer

There are so many natural remedies for cancer and these are oatmeal, legumes or peas, tomatoes, nuts and of course olive oil which is so popular.  Including these in your everyday meal along with herbal cancer remedy may very well save your life.

1 comment:

  1. I need someone to pls tell me the English name for Ewe EJINRiN
