There are certain household products which are far more useful than just their primary use. Corn starch is one just easily available product found in our kitchens.
Though it is primarily used in the preparation of food for thickening gravies, puddings or soups, it has some incredible uses outside kitchen too. Read on to know more about this amazing household product.
Takes Care Of Your Carpet Stains
Corn starch can be effectively used to remove greasing and stains from carpets. Dust some corn starch on the stains, allow it to stay for some time, then clean it with a brush.
Remedy For Your Oily Hair
At times when you don’t have time to wash your hair, sprinkle some corn starch on your scalp and let it sit for some time. Then brush your hair, most of the oil would have been absorbed by starch.
Perfect Remedy For Sweaty Shoes
Nothing can be worse than those sweaty and stinking shoes spreading bad odour all around. Don’t worry; corn starch is there for your rescue now. Sprinkle corn starch inside those smelly shoes and socks to absorb all the perspiration.
Soothes Sunburns
With corn starch by your side you need not worry about your sun tanned skin. Prepare a paste by mixing corn starch and water; apply it on the affected area on the skin. Allow it to dry and then cleanse it off with warm water.
Insect Bites
Treat your insect bitten skin with the same mixture of corn starch and water to get relief from itching. It is soothing for the skin too.
Get Rid Of Grease Stains On Clothes
Corn starch can be used to get rid of stubborn greasy stains from fabrics. Sprinkle corn starch over the stain, leave it for some time and give a regular wash.
Untangle The Knots
Don’t have patience to de-tangle those stubborn knots of threads? Don’t worry corn starch is there for your help. Just sprinkle corn starch on the cluster or mass of threads and you can easily straighten out the things.
Clean And Fresh Carpets
This time, before vacuuming your carpets, sprinkle corn starch over it, and allow it to stay for some time. Then go ahead with your vacuum cleaning, you will notice that corn starch has absorbed odour and dirt leaving your carpet clean and fresh.
Get Sparkling Windows
Here is a budget friendly window cleanser you can make out of corn starch. Mix detergent and corn starch in 1:1 ratio in a bucket of water, mix well and apply on to the windows. Wipe them with a newspaper or a soft cloth for sparkling shine.
Homemade Face Paint
You can make face paint at home for a clown make-up or a Halloween party. Just mix corn starch and white vegetable shortening (fat made form vegetable oil) in the ration 2:1 to prepare a non-toxic grease paint. Add few drops of food colour to get different colours.
Matte Nail Polish
Yes, you can prepare matte nail polish using corn starch. Mix a small amount of corn starch to regular nail paint in a small mixing plate and apply immediately onto your nails.
Removes Blood Stains
Blood stains are sometimes hard to remove. But with corns starch you can easily get rid of those marks. Make a paste of corn starch and water, apply over the area and gently rub it. Let it sun-dry and remove off the dried paste using a brush. Repeat the procedure if needed.
Prevent Your Books From Mildew
Save your pages and books that are damaged by dampness and kill mildew smell using corn starch. Sprinkle corn starch on the damp pages, so that starch absorbs all the moisture from the pages.
Clean Your Sticky Playing Cards
You can revive your long kept playing cards with the use of corn starch. Take out the pack of your sticky playing cards, put them in a paper bag and add 2 tablespoons of corn starch to the bag and shake well. Remove and wipe them, you are ready to play!
Get Rid Of Roaches
Here is a solution to keep away those annoying roaches. Prepare a mixture of corn starch and plaster of Paris in equal quantities and apply the mixture in cracks.
Clean Leather Stains
Corn starch acts as a best remedy to clean greasy stains on leather. Dust some corn starch powder on the stains and allow it to stay overnight, clean it in the morning using a brush.
Excellent Silver Polish
Polish your silverware to a fine shine using corn starch. Make a paste of starch and water. Use a damp cloth to apply the paste onto the silver. Allow it to dry and rub it off with a soft cloth to get a fine shine.
Starch Iron Your Clothes
Prepare an easy homemade spray starch which you can use before ironing your clothes to get crispy and clean look for your clothes. Pour the mixture of corn starch and water into a spray bottle for using.
Treats Underarm Rashes
Here is an inexpensive remedy to treat armpit rashes. Corn starch is found to soothe the underarm rashes and irritation. Clean and pat dry the area and dust lightly with corn starch.
Treat Heat Rashes Under Breasts
Many women have found relief with itchy rashes under breasts by using corn starch. It helps keep the skin dry and discourages the fungus growth.
Natural Remedy For Diaper Rash
You can reduce baby’s discomfort caused due to diaper rash using corn starch. It is an effective and natural remedy.
Corn Starch As Dry Shampoo
It can be an excellent alternative to expensive store bought dry shampoos. Sprinkle corn starch on your hair, using palm and finger tips rub it gently into your scalp for some time. You can notice oil free and fresh hair.
Prepare Facial Mask
Prepare an excellent facial mask with this simple recipe. 2 tablespoons each of milk and corn starch, whisked with 1 egg white. Apply this smooth paste onto face, leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing off.
Alternative Deodorant
Prepare an excellent deodorant at home to combat underarm odour. Mix ¼ cup each of baking soda, corn starch or arrowroot powder and shake well. It really helps reduce the sweat and bad odour.
Treat Your Oily Face
Treat your oily face with corn starch by dusting a little amount of starch, so that it absorbs excess oil from your face.
Clean Stuffed Toys
Here is an easy solution to clean your kid’s soft toys. Sprinkle cornstarch on the stuffed toy and place it in a paper bag. Shake it well so that corn starch is coated well all over the toy. Leave it overnight and clean it with a brush or vacuum clean the next morning.
Remove Excess Furniture Polish
Sometimes while polishing wooden furniture, polish residue remains off on the surface when you are done with your work. You can easily clean them using corn starch. Just sprinkle starch over the area and buff clean them.
Scented Powder
Corn starch is already in the fine powder form. Add few drops of your favourite aromatic or scented oil to a jar of corn starch. Mix and shake well, your scented body powder is ready!
Homemade Baby Powder
Corn starch is an excellent replacement for baby powder. Rub all over the baby after bath to absorb leftover moisture. Be cautious before using.
Starch In Industrial Applications
Starch is of great use in industrial applications. It is added to yarns to increase the mechanical strength and resistance to friction wear.
Boon To Pharmaceutical Industry
Starch is used in various preparations in the pharmaceutical industry. Products like sugarless sweeteners, tablets, emulsions, creams etc. all have starch as the main ingredient in the initial stages of preparation.
Easy Gripping With Sports Equipments
Corn starch comes handy when you want to ease your grip with any sports equipment. Dust your hands with starch and you can handle the equipments comfortably.
Corn Starch Glue
You can make a paste or non toxic school glue using corn starch along with baking soda and vinegar.
Substitute For Eggs
Corn starch can be used as an excellent substitute for eggs in recipes. Mixture of soy milk powder, corn starch and water can be used as egg replacer in many preparations.
Remedy For Burns
Corn starch can be used to soothe the burn on the skin. Add 1 tablespoon each of starch and baking soda in a mug of water. Dip a soft cloth in the mixture and put it on the affected area on the skin to give relief.
Remove Oil Stains
Corn starch helps you remove stubborn oil stains in the driveways. Sprinkle starch on the oil stains, keep it overnight and rinse it in the morning.
Solution For Athletes Foot
Are you suffering from athletes foot? Corn starch can give you relief, spray some corn starch on your feet as well as inside your shoes.
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